As For Any Combination of Stomach Drainage Set

DB-750/Stomach Drainage Bag


Stomach Drainage Bag DB-750

750cc bag Single Model  Stomach Drainage Bag DB-750

Aspiration・Gastric Lavage・Ileus・Postoperative Removal of Stomach Contents

Stomach Drainage Bag DB-750

Stomach Drainage Bag Details
Stomach Drainage Bag  DB-750 【Single-Model】

□ Item Number : DB-750
□ Bag Capacity : 750cc
□ Attacment Connector : Luer tip type Y connector
□ Bag Material : Medical Polyvinyl Chloride
□ Sterile : Ethylene Oxide Gas Sterilization

Stomach Drainage Bag Packing Unit

□ 30 sets / Box     4 Boxes / Case

Stomach Drainage Bag DB-750

Small Y connector

Luer tip type Y connector

□ Y connector is quite useful as misconnection
□ Widened the inner diameter of Y connector for
  the sake of making it difficult to clog.
□ It becomes contamination and infection
  prevention for the sake of doing suctioning
  lavage and chemical grouting without removing
  a stomach catheter.

Stomach Drainage Bag VC-750

◇Because of the closed drainage bag, it can alleviate drainage odor.

◇Corresponding to a drainage bag.

◇As per one-touch type drainage valve, it is posible to drain cleanly.

Cross Clamp